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Hello My Name Is...

Mrs. Barile

Q&A With Mrs. Barile

Subject: English & Social Science

How long have you been teaching?: 5 years

What other schools have you been at?: W.F. Herman Academy, Academie Ste. Cecile International School, Holy Names High School and F.J. Brennan High School

What are some things you like about teaching at St. Josephs?: I love that there is something for everyone in this building. Our diversity is our greatest strength and there is always something for everyone to get involved in.

What inspired you to go into teaching?: My mom was a teacher. So, seeing the joy that she got from her job always gave me the greatest impression. She showed me that this is truly the greatest career in the world.
Why did you choose to teach your specific subject?: I have always loved English and the Social Sciences, but having great teachers in my Grade 12 year who saw my potential really solidified what I was passionate about.

Fun facts about you?: I am bilingual, I love sports (watching and playing), and I finally had Taco Bell for the very first time this year at 29 years old!

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