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Mr. Simonitto

Subject: Math, Business, Social Science

How long have you been teaching?: 

What other schools have you been at?: Catholic Central, F.J Brennan

What are some things you like about teaching at St. Josephs?: I love the spirit at this school. The students have so much and I love to see all the students dressed up for spirit days, events, and any extra curricular. The students become alive and really bring their A game to everything that they do. 

What inspired you to go into teaching?: My own high school teachers influenced me heavily and made me want to pursue a teaching career. They impacted my life greatly and helped me with my struggles in high school so now I want to return the favor and be there for my students.
Why did you choose to teach your specific subject?: Physics and Math are my teachable subjects. I decided to teach these subjects because I'm a very curious and inquisitive person. I always want to be learning. Physics is the study of the universe and our universe never stops. How cool is that! It explains everything that we know currently about our world. Not to mention the skills and knowledge I obtained from learning physics has allowed me to become an excellent problem solver and have helped me in everyday life. 

Fun facts about you?: I've been canyon swinging in Queenstown New Zealand. 

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